Tyson Glover

Tyson Glover is currently ranked
11,893 out of 17,022 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2016-02-10

Active Year:2016


About Tyson Glover:

Tyson Glover is adorable. This 20 year old West Virginian is a proud black gay man that loves to have sex. He likes topping and bottoming, but if he had to choose, he would definitely be a bottom. He loves to get fucked. He has sexy dark and smooth skin that covers his ripped muscles. He has a sexy swimmers build, and a small frame that is perfect for a big top to throw around. And get thrown around he does. This boy can take a dick whether it is deep-throating or getting fucked by a huge cock. — From Randy Blue

Tyson Glover Can Be Found on the Following Sites:

Check Out Tyson Glover at This Site
Randy Blue


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