Caley | |||||
Caley is currently ranked 9,285 out of 17,029 total stars. |
Entered into the Database on 2017-09-21
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About Caley: Caley is former military. He was medically discharged after one too many injuries, so has been working odd jobs. From construction to a bouncer at a bar, he seems to be working hard at working hard. He knew he was packing some meat, so porn was an option he thought he would try. He is straight, but admits to messing around a couple times with guys. Though you can tell the incidents were fairly random. In fact for the oral, he actually just wanted to be the one to give head. At first I thought maybe he liked sucking cock, but it turns out he was worried he wouldn't get hard, and since he had sucked dick before, he figured it would be more of a success. As you find out next week, his worries were misplaced. No problems staying hard! Original ChaosMen debut: May 25th, 2015. — From ChaosMen | |||||
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