
Ricky is currently ranked
16,233 out of 17,029 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2018-07-10

Active Year:2018


About Ricky:

Ricky is an outspoken, Southern stud who works as a contractor. The 26-year-old is looking for a change and planning his move to California, so he can eventually start his own business. He's attractive, extremely athletic, and his muscular body shows it! He lost his virginity at a really young age and he's been racking up different experiences ever since. He also enjoys watching porn! "It's very different every single time. I don't have a set thing that I go for, it's kind of a scroll and click type of deal, I click whatever looks good." — From Sean Cody

Ricky Can Be Found on the Following Sites:

Check Out Ricky at This Site
Sean Cody


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