
Elton is currently ranked
9,530 out of 17,022 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2018-08-26

Origin:United States
Active Year:2018 to 2021
Also Known As (aka):

  • Patrick (Corbin Fisher)


About Elton:

Adorable ginger, Elton, is an 18-year-old packing a big, curved dick and he loves it! "I think a big dick is about 6-7 inches above and I'm right at that benchmark," says the well-built, boyish cutie. "I'm circumcised and when I get a boner it just curves up. My pubes are a red-burgundy color. I probably jerk off about once or twice a week," says Elton. "My ideal guy is taller than me, muscular, good face, and nice eyes!" proclaims Elton. — From Sean Cody

Elton Can Be Found on the Following Sites:

Check Out Elton at This Site
Sean Cody


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