Steve Strongarm

Steve Strongarm is currently ranked
8,210 out of 17,029 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2018-12-16

Origin:United States
Active Year:2018 to 2021


About Steve Strongarm:

It took me a while to get Steve into the studio. We were ready to go months ago, but he does body-building competition, and sometime in August he had a body-building show, and it meant shaving all his body hair off and doing the super tan look. His body hair is kind of unique, and I really wanted to capture that on film. Turned-out, he did not compete, so he hit me back with an email, saying all his fur was still intact, and that he was in peak physical condition. I got him booked as soon I could. We corresponded a lot, and I was eager to get this friendly, furry, muscled teddy bear in the studio. — From ChaosMen

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