
Marcus is currently ranked
7,115 out of 17,022 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2020-03-26


About Marcus:

Marcus is this cool guy I know who plays drums for a band from Seattle. I caught their act by accident one weekend when they were playing LA, and got to know them after their last set. Marcus is really laid back, does his own thing and doesn't worry about much. He was playing without his shirt on the night I first met them. His pierced nipple caught my attention and I had to know more. I got him drunk enough to feel comfortable about showing me the whole package, but not too wasted that he couldn't get hard for me. 'Will anyone find out?' he asked. 'Naw. I promise.' I said. We had some fun, and I asked him if he wanted me to shoot some publicity shots of him. When he showed up at my studio, he was ready to shoot for me. — From Randy Blue

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Randy Blue


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