
Cody is currently ranked
14,735 out of 17,029 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2020-03-29


About Cody:

Cody was such a great guy to work with! He has a been a star in the adult world for a while and I knew when I met him he would be totally fun. He was energetic and full of of great ideas for the shoots. I always like it when the guys have ideas for the way they want to look. We had alot of fun dressing him up and making the shoot sexy and hot! Cody also invited his friend Brett Collins for the day and I persuaded them to do some shoots together. The leather scenario was totally Cody's idea and they both really got into the idea of dressing up and roll playing. You could hear the heavy breathing and deep kissing thru out the studio. Check out all the sets that we did that day! — From Randy Blue

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Randy Blue


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