
Jeno is currently ranked
12,025 out of 17,029 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2023-05-03

Origin:Puerto Rico


About Jeno:

Tight body muscle stud Jeno, born and raised on the Island of Puerto Rico, loves living in Hawaii! He still has a thick seductive Puerto Rican accent and the perfect genetic mix: 50% Italian and 50% Puerto Rican! Check out his sexy sun-kissed brown Island skin! He is blessed with a gigantic uncut Italian/Puerto Rican 9 inch cock! He goes to the gym 3-4 days a week, and has the rock hard body to prove it. Look at his full 8-pack abs, thick muscle thighs, great pecs and a tight ass! Jeno has the most amazing hooked cock that bounces around throughout this Island Studs shoot. What a beautiful sexy cock! — From Island Studs

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Island Studs


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