Liam Rosso

Liam Rosso is currently ranked
2,771 out of 17,022 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2011-06-18

Active Year:2010 to 2015
Birthday:December 6th
Also Known As (aka):

  • Joshua (Fratmen)
  • Liam (Corbin Fisher)


About Liam Rosso:

Twins! Liam and Luca Rosso appeared with the release of Jock Studio's scene featuring these two and Landon Conrad. It's an old school fantasy to get it on with twins. I mean, two attractive, hot brothers? It's kinda hot that these two have such ripped bodies and have made a career out of having sex with some of the industries' hottest men. They've done scenes for Corbin Fisher, Falcon, C1R, Men and others. It's been said that of this dynamic duo, one is gay and one is actually straight but really, who cares, they're hot and they seem to play together which is quite hot.

Liam Rosso Can Be Found on the Following Sites:

Check Out Liam Rosso at This Site
Jocks Studios


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