Mauro Amaral

Mauro Amaral is currently ranked
7,975 out of 16,410 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2013-07-21

Active Year:1997
Also Known As (aka):

  • Max Lisboa
  • Max Valenti
  • Michaelo Chanquer
  • Robson Castro


About Mauro Amaral:

Kristen Bjorn only did one photo shoot of Max and that was in Brazil in 1993. I did several (4) layouts with him including his first magazine layout when I lived in Brazil in 1993. He was one of the first Brazilian models that I ever photographed and an excellent one at that. A very personable guy who took me to and from our location on his motorcycle. I found him and introduced him to KB when he came down to work on Jungle Heat. He was supposed to work in this film Jungle Heat in Brazil . We ended the work in Brazil early because of crime. When we worked with these Brazilians in Caracas (safer because no one knew we were there), he didnĂ­t come, he was involved with a woman.

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Kristen Bjorn


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