Axel Ducharme



Entered into the Database on 2013-11-09

Active Year:2013 to 2016

About Axel Ducharme:

What a sweetheart. We met Axel Ducharme a few months ago and thought he was super cute with those striking blue eyes, soft skin and slim build. But he was running with a tough crowd of boys so we weren't sure if he would be open to our proposal for a Squirtz video. But when we talked to him we found Axel to be one of the sweetest, friendliest guys we've met in a long time. He's one of those rare individuals that refuses to let negative people bring him down (as his most recent tattoo confirms). And sexually, Axel has a very healthy libido and a big, beautifully shaped dick that gets hard and stays hard. He considers himself to be straight but has not closed his mind to other possibilities.

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