Reggie Buck

Reggie Buck is currently ranked
6,226 out of 17,022 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2013-12-04

Origin:United States
Active Year:2005 to 2008
Also Known As (aka):

  • Shane Saunders (Dirk Yates)
  • Wesley (Military Classified)


About Reggie Buck:

Reggie is the kind of guy you just cant stop smiling at. He is so cute and has such a great personality you just can't help but to smile with him. Reggie caught my attention when he sent me his pics thru my web site. I fell in love with his tattoos. They are hot! Big and bright and beautifully done. He just looks sexy as hell in them. It's like taking a man with a boys face and turning him into some thing really dirty. That's what works for him this whole sweet boy but rough trade look. Reggie was a complete turn to work with. He was fun and very shy and you will pick up on his strong southern accent. Reggie totally took me by surprise by how sexual he was. He puts off a lot of sexual heat and isn't embarrassed by it at all. Matter of fact he loves it. He just tries to hide it by acting coy. — From Randy Blue

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Randy Blue


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