Michael Mitchum | |
Michael Mitchum is currently ranked 11,728 out of 17,029 total stars. |
Entered into the Database on 2014-04-15 |
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About Michael Mitchum: After so many years, it's fairly late to decide to include Michael Mitchum's profile in our online index, but better late than never. Michael is a beautiful, athletic boy from the central region of Moravia in the Czech Republic but I have to admit that I never really understood his logic. He didn't want to film with us, but then had no problem shooting two intimate photo sets (which includes documentary material) where he cuddles with and gives Dolph Lambert a blowjob. Michael evidently had no problem with photo shoots, but took issue with being on camera. I still struggle to fully grasp why this is. Nevertheless, I thought it was a great shame -- he simultaneously possessed athletic rigor while never losing his boyish charm; these characteristics typify Bel Ami models. — From Bel Ami Online | |
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