Tyler Sky



Entered into the Database on 2015-09-03

Origin:United States
Active Year:2015 to 2017
Birthday:July 26th

About Tyler Sky:

Hey guys! I'm Tyler. I'm from North Carolina, born and raised! I had never been out of the state until I came to shoot for GISP, and it was amazing! I love four-wheeling in the woods and drinking beer with my friends! I'm pretty new to the industry, but I'm loving every second of it. Probably because I love sex and am good at it. As far as sex goes? I love bottoming...like really love it. The bigger, the better. You really can't fuck me too hard; trust me, I've asked for it! — From Guys in Sweatpants

Tyler Sky Can Be Found on the Following Sites:

Check Out Tyler Sky at This Site
Guys in Sweatpants


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