Brett Cady

About Brett Cady:
Brett Cady truly is a rare man these days. He's vegan, has a huge heart, would take & give the shirt off his back to one in need. Thankfully, under his shirt, he has a killer bod. I personally love his ass. He hasn't had much sexual action in his life but always thought about it. It was actually his idea to jerk off on top of the mountain near traffic. I believe this was an experience that was perfect for him and finally allowed him to explore a little bit. Hope you all like this stud. If you plan on taking him on a date, know he's believes in romance and you won't get away with anything less. Bring your "longest ride" skills out...yes I teared up at the movie.


Entered into the Database on 2015-04-17

Origin:United States
Active Year:2015

Brett Cady Can Be Found on the Following Sites:

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Gay Hoopla


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