Clay Maverick

About Clay Maverick:
Clay Maverick was born in Washington state during July of 1976 and grew up on a small island that he describes as "comprised of Hippies and Hillbillies". He made a big splash with his boy-next-door looks when he entered the adult industry in 1996. Clay briefly left the business in 1999 after the release of Studio 2000's "West Hollywood Hope" but quickly returned with an even more muscular appearance, much to the joy of his many fans. Clay's improved physique landed him work with several big name studios including Falcon and Hot House Video. In 2003 Clay won a GayVN Award for Best Group Scene as a part of the orgy scene in "Deep South: The Big and the Easy," a Falcon feature. On screen Clay is strictly a top who always makes his co-stars blow with his 9-inch cut cock. Clay is very devoted to physical fitness and sports, particularly bowling, and enjoys interior design. He's been working on an autobiography that is scheduled to be released in 2010 and is getting back into performing after another brief hiatus.


Entered into the Database on 2010-10-20
Profile updates on 2021-12-07 with new photos

Origin:Washington, United States
Active Year:1996 to 2008
Birthday:July 15th

Clay Maverick Can Be Found on the Following Sites:

Check Out Clay Maverick at This Site
Falcon Studios


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