Devlin Dare

About Devlin Dare:
Devlin should really change his name to Devil....Sexy Devil that is. Devlin is from Alabama but doesn't seem to have the heavy accent. He admits to living all over the south and being a bit of a vagabond. I chose Devlin out of a group of photographs a photographer sent me because I really loved his lean body and his smiling face. This guy is some kind of very old soul. He is wise and funny and loves to discuss current issues. Even though we didn't come to much agreement I was truck by how well researched he was. Let me tell you something. If anyone tries to tell you porn stars or the guy on my site are idiots then let them contact me! There could be nothing further from the truth. I think that part of what makes Devlin so sexy is that he is smart and well versed.


Entered into the Database on 2013-12-04

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Randy Blue


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