Gage Wilson

About Gage Wilson:
Gage is a 21-year-old college student from Texas. He's been bodybuilding since he was a teenager and has managed to pack some very nice muscle on his 5'6" frame. He's done a few competitions, but SC was fortunate to find him at a time when he wasn't competing so his body hair was completely natural. Gage has got an adorable boyish face on a hairy, muscular body. He loves to crack jokes and he's smiling all the time. He's straight and he loves the girls, but isn't currently seeing anyone.

Also Known As (aka):

  • Vance (ChaosMen)


Entered into the Database on 2010-10-17
Profile updates on 2018-06-16 with new photos

Active Year:2006 to 2012

Gage Wilson Can Be Found on the Following Sites:

Check Out Gage Wilson at This Site
Randy Blue


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