
William is currently ranked
9,147 out of 16,214 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2016-07-30

Origin:United States
Active Year:2016


About William:

William is one of those nice guys who is right to the point. We asked him what he likes sexually, and he was very straight-forward about it. "When I fuck people, I like to start out nice and slow to set the mood, then I just go H.A.M." We were curious as to what that meant, so he explained the acronym. "Hard as a motherfucker." William meant business, and with a fit body like that, we knew that he was hardcore and disciplined. Watching him jerk off and seeing his body flex with each stroke was pretty incredible. Even though he has a calm demeanor, he sure knows how to use that dick of his!

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Sean Cody


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