
Degan is currently ranked
6,784 out of 16,173 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2017-09-21

Origin:United States
Active Year:2008 to 2011
Also Known As (aka):

  • Slade Moore


About Degan:

How about a big daddy slab of muscular beef for your Monday!? Degan is a married guy who is curious about dudes. His wife is eager to help him explore as they have done threeways with two women...and fair is fair. I actually asked Degan to grow his pubes out (I really need to be specific about what "growing back" means) and the back tattoo was a complete surprise. But then he got his clothes off and his big ole 9+ dick filled up and I was feeling less put out. Though he is all shaved up, his ass is perfect, and he loves showing it off and I think putting things in it. Original ChaosMen debut: September 8th, 2008. — From ChaosMen

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