Joshua Hill

Joshua Hill is currently ranked
9,560 out of 16,204 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2017-09-21


About Joshua Hill:

Joshua is into fitness, health, and working out. If you note the date of this shoot, it was a couple days before Christmas. I had been waiting for Joshua to grow back his pubes. They were completely shaved, so when I contacted him to see how they were coming back, he said pretty good and asked if there was anyway he could get in so he could have money for the holidays. He really had only been growing the hair back for a week or two, so actually he did pretty good given the short time frame. I think he is trying to start a new business, and, of course, has family to take care of. He was just a really nice guy. Very social, bright, and an all-around "on-the-ball" type of guy. Original ChaosMen debut: April 19th, 2010. — From ChaosMen

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