Drew Sawyer

Drew Sawyer is currently ranked
11,661 out of 16,173 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2011-01-06
Profile updated on 2013-08-01 with new photos

Also Known As (aka):

  • Drew Saywer


About Drew Sawyer:

There are some guys that you look at who just leave you speechless. Drew Saywer is one of those guys. You start at his handsome face that can grab your attention from all the way across the room. And as if that wasn't enough you move slowly down his perfect, naked body to his strong shoulders. You just want to rest your head on them while you wrap your arms around his firm torso, running your fingers along the ridges of his abs, not so much a six pack as it is an eight pack! His delicious nipples poke out from a pair of pecs so hard you could beat out a rhythm on them. And if you're lucky, he'll wrap his manly arms around you so you can feel every inch of his beefy biceps. He touches you with hands that would be tough enough to bend steel yet delicate enough to stroke your cock right up to the edge of orgasm and then keep you there for a good long while before you shoot, causing you to cry out in the most exquisite pleasure you've ever felt. And let's not even begin to talk about his legs! They're enough to make you want to run your tongue up and down each one. This guy doesn't have an ounce of body fat, absolute perfection. — From Randy Blue

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Randy Blue


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