Dick Masters

Dick Masters is currently ranked
151 out of 16,173 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2011-06-17

Origin:Texas, United States
Active Year:1989 to 1990
Birthday:September 28th


About Dick Masters:

Wielding 12 straight (as in, not curved or tapered), fat inches when hard, Dick Masters might have been the logical successor to John Holmes. It's a wonder the man could put on a pair of pants! He was active in 1989-90, but his porn career was tragically cut short by spinal cancer. Dick was a tall, toned brunet who only topped. In Deep in Hot Water (FVP065), Dick's scene partner, Brad Mitchell, attempts to cope with that elephantine appendage, which is so big he can only just get the head into his mouth. It's a wonder he manages to take the whole thing up his ass and live. — From Falcon Studios

Dick Masters Can Be Found on the Following Sites:

Check Out Dick Masters at This Site
Falcon Studios


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