Aaron James

Aaron James is currently ranked
2,204 out of 17,129 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2010-10-18

Origin:United States
Active Year:2007 to 2011
Also Known As (aka):

  • AJ (College Dudes)


About Aaron James:

I picked up AJ, aka "Aaron James", from the place he was staying, and immediately he started asking me a thousand questions. That is always a good sign, in my book - it means the dude is serious about things. The whole time I was just staring at his gorgeous body wondering what he would look like unclothed. A few hours later I found out! Gorgeous physique, hot hard dick, and killer smile! Welcome AJ. — From College Dudes

Aaron James Can Be Found on the Following Sites:

Check Out Aaron James at This Site
Dominic Ford at AEBN


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