Luca Ferri

Luca Ferri is currently ranked 12,956 out of 17,129 total stars.



Entered into the Database on 2013-07-06

Active Year:2000 to 2003

About Luca Ferri:

Luca is 23, but looks... 18. A shy teenager with an insatiable sexual appetite. His Private Sex File proved he was a sex pig and that he reveled in the spot light. I didn't hesitate to book him for a scene with Sicilian Stefano Furia (see Luca & Stefano). These photos were taken on the set, in between two storms. You can tell it was freezing cold! — From Lucas Kazan

Luca Ferri Can Be Found on the Following Sites:

Check Out Luca Ferri at This Site
Lucas Kazan


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