Derek Raser

Derek Raser is currently ranked
3,213 out of 16,173 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2014-04-14

Origin:Czech Republic
Active Year:2012 to 2017
Birthday:March 28th
Also Known As (aka):

  • Alois Holba (William Higgins)


About Derek Raser:

Derek is one of those models that I'm unsure how best to use. His facial features are those of a Bel Ami model, but he has the body of a body builder and is quite muscular. On the one hand, he's a nice and reliable boy. On the other hand, there's something stiff and unyielding in him. Perhaps he just needs some more time to relax. Viewers more or less like Derek, but it's this mixed reception that leave me deliberating as to what to do with him. Whatever the case, we'll continue to work with him this year. He's currently on an exclusive contract. I think this is a model that will have a fruitful career with Bel Ami, even if it isn't very long. — From Bel Ami Online

Derek Raser Can Be Found on the Following Sites:

Check Out Derek Raser at This Site
Bel Ami Online


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