Kobe Strong

Kobe Strong is currently ranked
11,776 out of 16,173 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2014-07-05


About Kobe Strong:

We met Kobe Strong on the practice fields in a small town just outside Dallas. This 20 year old Southern Stud is 6 foot 3 tall with 190 pounds of muscle on his chiseled body. It didn't take much to convince him to follow us back to the Ranch and the rest you can see for yourself now. Kobe is coming off nasty injury to his left leg, so he has been working and training hard to get back in shape. It just so happens that I have marveled at his workouts more than once so he wasn't real surprised to see me show up at the field. He was surprised when I asked him if he would be interested in a little side workout. Kobe wasn't shy at all and although this is a straight boy, I do believe that we will get to see this Southern boy do his first guy on guy action. He was enjoying the crew admiring his body during the photo shoot. When it came time to drop his pants, Kobe hesitated for a minute and then never looked backed. — From Southern Strokes

Kobe Strong Can Be Found on the Following Sites:

Check Out Kobe Strong at This Site
Southern Strokes


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