Niall Walsh

Niall Walsh is currently ranked
15,152 out of 16,173 total stars.


Entered into the Database on 2014-11-14

Origin:United Kingdom
Active Year:2014


About Niall Walsh:

Niall is a confident young man who plays football as a career and has just discovered that he can also make some money showing off his lean and toned body! He is smooth bodied and slightly hairy legs, though he has real powerful legs which look great from all angles. Niall seems to have a naughty streak and when he took off his boxers he turned away from the camera and gave is a great view of his hairy bum! In this his first shoot he also gets so carried away he shows his hole real well and then probes it with a vibrator and does a great job at pumping his hole. After all this teasing of his hole and lots of wanking he lies back and unloaded his cum on his abs. Wow, not a bad opening entry! — From English Lads

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English Lads


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