The national service: not what you really wanna spend your time doing when you're young, hot and cute. Raymond had no choice but to attend... Now that... Produced by: JNRC. Original release date: June 1st, 2018.
Slobodan has been in the army for nearly 10 years. He gets very little time off. He loves women but rarely sees any. He's not gay but he has to... Produced by: JNRC. Original release date: August 27th, 2012.
He would never have imagined that. The young soldier has always been impressed by his Sergeant. A guy a older than him, very manly, with a strong and... Produced by: JNRC. Original release date: June 1st, 2019.
Gay porn from Eastern Europe with Arab, turkish and gipsy gay men by JNRC. Tristan sucks big turkish cock. Produced by: JNRC. Original release date: July 1st, 2017.