


Entered into the Database on 2017-09-21

About Jaden:

Have you ever seen a cute guy working at the mall, restaurant or gas station, and you think to yourself, "Damn, he's hot. I wish I knew what he looked like with his clothes off." Jaden is that guy to me. Many years ago he was working at the postal place I had my mailbox at, and everyday I'd see his handsome face and wonder what was under all those clothes. He was always friendly, and after seeing him everyday, we'd start talking. I'd hear about him being hungover from partying all night, the fights he'd have with his girlfriend, and roommate dramas. Jaden was always very nice and you could tell he was good-natured. Just kind of cool talkin' dude. He finally asked about doing photos, and on his second shoot he did some nudes. He's just kind of an average build guy. Not a gym build at all. He's just sexy to me, because he's "that guy" you'd hope to catch a glimpse of naked. Original ChaosMen debut: September 19th, 2006. — From ChaosMen

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