


Entered into the Database on 2024-12-09

Origin:United States
Active Year:2020

About Ben:

Ben's hot, and he knows it! When he smiles at the start of his introductory solo, you can tell he knows that smile is sexy and captivating and that he's going to immediately win you over with it. And he most certainly won us over with it! Tall guys like Ben are used to having people ask them if they play basketball, and most are pretty sick of the question by now. In Ben's case, though, he actually does play basketball and he plays it well! We're treated to the sight of him sinking some shots (is that what it's called?), before treated to the even better sight of Ben stripping down and revealing that cock of his. While we always assume tall, lean guys play basketball, another assumption we often make is that tall, lean guys are hung. You'd safely assume both of those things with Ben, as this sexy basketball player stud is indeed packing! — From Corbin Fisher

Ben Can Be Found on the Following Sites:

Check Out Ben at This Site
Corbin Fisher


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