Greg Jameson

Also Known As (aka):

  • Greg Jamison



Entered into the Database on 2014-01-10

Active Year:2014 to 2015

About Greg Jameson:

Greg Jameson has a certain allure about him. He is soft spoken and quiet, yet there is a smoldering intensity in those eyes. And once he gets naked to reveal his flawlessly sculpted body, I dare you to try and take your eyes off of him. His cock gets so hard. As hard as every rippling ab on his stomach. He jerks himself off until he bends over and reveals a gorgeous hole between to very fuckable ass cheeks. Finally he lifts himself up and gives us all what we have been waiting for, a hot white squirt of jizz. — From Randy Blue

Greg Jameson Can Be Found on the Following Sites:

Check Out Greg Jameson at This Site
Randy Blue


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