Jarrett Rex

Also Known As (aka):

  • Akoni Clubb
  • Brett (Playgirl)
  • Jarret Rex
  • Tiki Torchman



Entered into the Database on 2010-10-29

Active Year:2006 to 2013

About Jarrett Rex:

Jarret has probably made a lot of heads spin around and take notice. His looks are amazing and his body is like a work of art. I don't just mean his physique which is quite impressive, but also the beautiful tattoos that cover parts of his torso and his legs. You get the feeling they tell a story about him and that they are much more then just the result of a drunken dare from his friends after a late night of partying. These tats are soulful, and beautiful and unlike so many of the ones you see over and over again on so many guys, these truly are a part of him. They also artfully frame his beautiful body. And what a body it is. The first time I met with Jarret and we sat down and did his interview and the required strip down so I could see what he looked like I was completely amazed at just how beautiful his body was. His body is tight and ripped and hairy and natural. I love that and I know most of you do too. This bright and funny 21 year old takes great pride in what his body has accomplished thru training. He is an agile and talented athlete. This guy loves to work out and you get the feeling that this guy has been into athletics his whole life. Working out is not a routine with him, its as much a part of his life as eating and drinking and he does it without any artificial means. This guy is all natural. Jarret is like a lot of guys on my site though. He sees this work as something he does every day so why not make some extra cash from it? I don't know about you but sometimes guys jerking off loses its appeal but, I could watch Jarret beat his meat over and over again. He really makes it hot and interesting and you can tell he truly loves and appreciates the attention. Well, that's my profile on Jarret. — From Randy Blue

Jarrett Rex Can Be Found on the Following Sites:

Check Out Jarrett Rex at This Site
Randy Blue


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